
Learn more about our transaction and subscription pricing models along with when / how we distribute funds.

Can I get started for free?

Yes. Playbooks offers a Free subscription that allows you to pay-as-you-go in the marketplace. For paid repos, this means you'll need to make a purchase in order to download the repo and access certain features such as the Code Explorer. For free repos, you'll be able to enjoy all features free of charge.

Why should I pay for a subscription?

A paid subscription gets you instant access to the repos associated with your subscription at a discounted rate. This way, you can move more freely about the platform using the Code Explorer and download or clone repos at your own pace. Otherwise, you will be required to pay anytime you want to access premium content that you don't already own.

How much of my subscription goes toward content creators?

Same as when you place an order, Playbooks takes a 20% commission from every subscription and then distributes another 10% to the Community Fund. The remaining 70% is distributed to content creators on a trailing monthly basis based on the download activity and pricing model of each repository they own. Everything is tracked and published (aonomyously) to the Community Fund page so you can follow along.

Which plan is right for me?

Generally speaking, each plan is designed for a specific developer and their relationship to Playbooks. For instance, if you're generally only accessing Free content then the Free plan is the perfect place to start. However, if you start accessing Pro or Plus content more than 1x per month you should consider a paid subscription.

How do seats work?

When registering for a paid subscription with a Team, we do present a # of seats option. This allows you to add other members to your Team allowing them to share access and collaborate on your projects seamlessly.

What payment methods are accepted?

Playbooks uses Stripe for payment processing and therefore will accept any major credit card that they support. If you have other needs, please contact support and we'll see what we can do.

Can I change my subscription at anytime?

Yes. To change your subscription, simply come back to this page and select your new subscription. That will take you to a checkout page where you can review and confirm the transaction. Due to the dynamic nature of the system and revenue-sharing, all subscription changes take place immediately and are charged in full.

What happens if I cancel my subscription?

If you decide to cancel your subscription, we'll simply move you back to the Free plan. However, in doing so, you will no longer have access to the repos that you previously downloaded unless you purchased them separately.

Where do I access my invoices?

Simply visit yoru settings > billing to find your recent invoices. From there, you can view more details or download a copy for your records.

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